Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tired, Blah but a little fun and color

Feeling down, blech, unmotivated too busy and depressed about things I should kick myself in the butt and stop being so focused on but it does not change where I am. But trying to keep some silliness in the scheme...I participated in hat day today.

It is spirit week here at the school and staff and teachers can (although many do not) participate as well... So for today, I wore my hat. My very dorky, doofy, silly, purple, fuzzy, pimp bought at a dollar store hat. Yes that is me below - I look so crappy on camera but eh... the hat looks spectacular and most stylin' (ok not really but hey I made people laugh and had people admit every time they looked at me and tried to focus on work they just couldn't - lmao

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