Friday, February 11, 2005

Hinge Points of Life

You know – a big key to understanding yourself and others – especially on those deeper, friend or more levels, IMO, is knowing and finding and understanding hinge points in your life.

I believe that while we move day to day, there are key events, times, people, basically key HINGES that drive and shape and really make us who we are.

I teach historical geology (among a boatload of other topics) and we have a theory called punctuated equilibrium (referred to as PE from now on that to be confused with that class in school that most hate, makes you sweaty, makes you get naked in front of people you know are peeking and you are peeking too and all because you have to wear these too big or small stinky uniforms – anyways :-D) in regards to evolution (yes I believe in evolution and if you don’t you can go stick your opposable, genetically passed on, thumb up your tightly closed ass and mind… lol – anyways).

The theory states that while gradual evolution – evolution is simply CHANGE THROUGH TIME – I do not know why people have problem with that idea – see we all change. Anyways PE states that the major changes come about in quick short bursts of concentrated change – so things are going along smoothly for the most part and then bam suddenly the mutation (change in evolution comes about from an accident – see a gene gets corrupted, mutated, accidentally warped and then passed on and for some reason the mutated accidentally changed gene keeps getting passed on and soon the corrupted, mutated, accident becomes the norm – go figure, man I love evolution – lmao – anyways)

So hinge points are like this – periods when a lotta shit happens and at the time you have no idea it is a hinge point (well sometimes you do, but a lotta times you do not know) until you look back and go WHOA DUDE, THAT WAS ONE GNARLY RIDE, NO SHIT!!!!

Alright so identifying these hinge points can really focus on where you were, what you did and why you are you know and like I said can really tell you a lot about a person.

Think of the movie "Intersection" with Richard Gere (which I did not see but know about). Where it starts with his character in a bad car wreck and in an instant of the wreck he flashes through hinge points in his life. Or Sliding Doors" with Gwyneth Paltrow (again not seen but should see) about how little changes can make for different results – that is also theme of Run, Lola, Run which I did see and need to watch again, I liked that movie. And of course Aston Kucher in Butterfly Effect

(And if you have not guessed, movies, TV, people watching and music, oh gawd music, are very important to me and I like – hehe – more on those topics another day).

Anyways these all focus on the idea of hinge points – and so I'd thought along the way, I'd start to work on identifying my hinge points and jot them down from time to time

And please if you know of movies like the ones I mentioned where the theme is hinge points in life – let me know – I'd like to collect a list – hehe a future blog entry.

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