Thursday, July 27, 2006

Whew whee---- this week has been hectic and well hectic. I got back from the NAF conference Sunday.

I spent the day trying to get things settled back around the house - make up for lost petting time with kitty kat, do laundry and prepare for Monday's lecture for the class I am teaching (Monday was Water properties and chemistry and oceanography).

Then getting back to work, I start the bridging program Monday so have been spending all week trying to get all the million nutty details set (like on my way home today I stopped to buy soda and paper plates and notepads and other assorted things and still have things to do.). Plus my co worker is having a lot of family things popping up and she will not be around as much. I actually did not even get to my phone messages until Wednesday :P

I had to teach two workshops at my day job this week - Using Multimedia which was all about issues surrounding multimedia from file types and legal issues to creating multimedia yourself.

Then today I taught part three of an Intro to MS Access Database class.

Add in I am working on a major curriculum project for the school where I am going through and updating all the binders and switching over to electronic formats and all this organizing stuff.

Add in creating a test for the class for Wednesday (which now I have a pile to grade by Monday) and I am really keeping busy. Plus have to type up NAF reports from conference and work on projects from that….

Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment – ick, and then taking a 6 year old to see Hilary Duff in concert at one of the casinos. That should be fun :P and look I made no jokes about comparing those two activities – hehe (actually I do like some of Ms. Duff's stuff and any live music or music in general is good).

I got a postcard in the mail from a pest control that supposedly a house in my neighborhood was found to have termites. They are supposedly giving a free inspection… man if I have termites… how expensive is it to get rid of them…. Drat Arthropods… I hate bugs even thought they are essential to the ecosystem – go be in someone else's ecosystem – hahah

There are a ton o movies out this weekend – maybe I can catch one or some music. In between the other stuff I am working on : ) But going to make sure to do a little something relaxing this weekend – need to to try and keep things a little less stressed :0)

Still waiting to hear back from the neurologist regarding the results of the test for T – if she has to get a shunt, I think my world will crash very far for a very dark time…. My youngest sister is spiraling more and more out of control – it is a scary spiral and not sure how to stop it, help or what to do. When you start having the practical what if conversation about death and such regarding said sister with another sister… that is when you realize just how dark and terrifying some things can be.

Thank goodness for Kath (sister) and an online friend/writing buddy – I think I would have gone crazy if not for those two – thank you both for keeping me afloat.

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