Sunday, September 25, 2005

Earworms, Sunburns and other Things

OKay - made it through the two days of fund raisers - got a nasty sunburn Saturday and not feeling too good today because of that and another certain thing that visits once a month :P if I did not have this very important presentation tomorrow - I'd call out sick and lay around with cold cloths on my face all day.

Posted some music observations in my music blog -

One neat thing from it - I learned a new word/concept I like - EARWORMS (not the bug destroying crops but an annoying thing all the same) -
- neat article and yes triple crap it I still got that damn Chilli's song in my head :-D

Here's the students' top-10 earworm list:
Other. Everyone has his or her own worst earworm.
Chili's "Baby Back Ribs" jingle.
"Who Let the Dogs Out"
"We Will Rock You"
Kit-Kat candy-bar jingle ("Gimme a Break ...")
"Mission Impossible" theme
"Whoomp, There It Is"
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
"It's a Small World After All"

looking forward to attending The Killers concert this Thursday and hoping I make it through the week - it might settle a little bit after Tuesday - Maybe... I keep saying that and it does not quite happen :-P

I need to find something non-work related around here to get involved in to provide a good non-stressy type of distraction (ok finding someone to get involved with would be awesome but eh something/someone what ever works and keeps me happy and sane - lol :^)

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