Saturday, February 25, 2006

What I'd Like to Find - The Hopefull Romantic in me :)

I was reading this great Dana Scully/ Monica Reyes fanfic - and I found a section of it just to be so much what i know I'll find someday, just to feel at that level with someone again would be wonderful.

Actually I like the whole story and the progression of how the two feel and I know I am even more chicken than Scully in the story thus would never act on how I feel about certain people (dreams can be the best and most sad thing a person can possess) - but as I quoted before - I am a hopeful not a hopeless romantic

someday... someday maybe I could be writing something like this again in my journals about me and someone :)

from -
Title: " Amygdala "
by: A. K. Naten
Rated: R-ish
Summary: A short Scully/Reyes storyCross-Post: Okay, but my name stays intact and it’d be nice if you’d notify me first.

I’ve been back to visit Monica every day for the past week. We’ve progressed from visitations of awkwardly forced small-talk to more relaxed, quiet times where we just enjoy each other’s company. There are times when neither of us says a thing; we just sit quietly and watch TV, or we gaze out the window and watch it rain peacefully. It’s strange, but we seem to be completely at ease with each other’s presence, and neither of us feels the need to make conversation all the time. She seems to know that I am there because I want to be, and I am completely comfortable with that fact, because it’s true.

I’ve also gotten into the habit of bestowing her with a kiss to the forehead each and every time I leave. I can tell that she not only expects it now, but needs it somehow, as do I. Perhaps it’s just a matter of necessary ‘grounding’ and human contact... perhaps it’s just a way of physically demonstrating our obvious emotional connection... perhaps she just wants me to touch her... perhaps she knows that I *want* to touch her.

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