Sunday, February 12, 2006


Please forgive typos - one too many grapefruit juice, citus vodka and seltzer water over ice is making it a little hardto type. Add in I am on the laptop as cable modem is out because of the snow storm - evil storm that also cancelled my concert plans - second time I have missed Acceptance damn it.

Friday was one of those days that kept getting worse - well it was bad until the very end when I got to post and write with one person (who really does not know but really her and my sister were the only things making the day and even week worth anything to me besides my little one too bad I am not a little more lubricated and could talk about how I really feel and what I wish about her and such - um anyhoos) but it started with trying to recou[p from the thursday luncheon which everyone said went well - as long as it helped the students - that is what matters

but I kept getting caught by people and told things or asked - The county chamber of commerace has an education committee - the rep called me and asked me to come monday - she was sorry for the short notice but asked me to come speak about mentoring and students - now if it were not for the fact these businesses want to work with our students - I would shrink into a hole - but I will prepare this weekend materials and talk on Monday because it will help the studnts - OMG I have to speak in front of these business people.

I got offical word my boss is leaving in JUne - man the school will change and what will happen to my job and me.... ok gotta calm down....

then I found out two more teachers are spliting and the 11th 12th grade guidance counselor is gone march 3 - man and fuck what are those poor students who are getting ready for college and all that going to do - leaving right when it is going to get busy - he has barely been there 6 months - i feel bad for the students

then got more bad news

my two nieces are notgreat - one went to pulminologist and her lungs are bad and she needs x rays and we will see from there - other niece needs colonoscopy - her intenstines and bowels are messed up -and of course my daughter has spina bifida - so shit why do all our girls have health problems

then i am rushing into grocery store and forget parking brake- yes major blonde moment one that may cost me as my car rolled into a nice new SUV my car all scratched up hers a little on teh bumper but she might report it and asked the cop to file report so she can claim if she needs - Kathy of course kept me from sinking into major despair and kept teasing me and asking if I set my brake and that I am the ultimate blonde - dumb ass - but it did keep me from beng totally depressed and I am luaghing about the whole thing - imagining my car creeping forward and finally into the bumper of this SUV

working on classes, coloring this poster (cause i am wierd and alone so have nothing else todo - lol) - snow will keep me in today - damn that may mean I will have to work - lol - got a few movies to watch and maybes exercise some - such is Sunday - wheeeee

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