Monday, February 08, 2010

The dangers of transmedia stories - funding and longevity

I have been following this the last few days and will be curious to see the ripples - but it begs the questions I have been swirling around of late - how durable are transmedia narratives in terms of longevity and having all parts of the story available.

Here is a recent victim and the lesson of nothing is really free - Reise (an awesome series and hopign it comes back) - but now, is the ARG that goes with Reise stranded? Will it become a condition where part of the story is more accessible than others?

I am working on a transmedia story map for Port City PD and it is another example - the original podcasts are gone as it has been picked up by a European TV station - so yes, it has new life, but... parts are now missing or being reworked - which again as we have seen time and time again, reworked, rebooted, re what ever you call it series are not really a full transmedia narrative but an adaptation.

So as we watch this develop, I begin to wonder once again, who is archiving/preserving these fully cross platform stories and will pieces be lost?



Shaun O'Rourke said...

We wanted to keep it online because we feel that is the way the industry is going. Unfortunately there is no business model yet in the world that would keep the show funded. Thus we were discovered and are now airing in both the US and over seas on television. For further information on "Port City P.D." visit our website

We hope to be in pre-production on season two within the year.


Shaun O'Rourke
Producer/Actor "Port City P.D."

docwho2100 said...

Awesome and thanks for the reply - and I understand about doing what needs to keep the story somewhere - look at what just happened to the web series

It is just a shame when any sliver of a story is lost : )