Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A great three part series and intro to transmedia

Stumbled across this site - - I am liking the articles and a specific series. It is, IMO, a great overview and really raises a few ideas and starts to link certain ideas.

part 1 part 2 part 3

I was especially giddy over part three as they mention something I believe in and have talked about for years (although I never used the definition of transmedia until earlier this year).

I'll probably be talking about this article here and there as I go... but for now...

Here is a small quote from part 3. - "Transmedia storytelling will reshape the educational system. When (I’m telling you one of these days they will) project based teaching/learning becomes commonplace in the educational system, Transmedia storytelling will be used to help students master difficult subjects. Additionally, as language in the global classroom evolves, teaching/learning will rely on advanced rich media like interactive video and storytelling."

And here was my comment in response

OMG - I teach at the high school and college level - I am a science and tech teacher and I am constantly talking about how transmedia fits into a couple of educational concepts teachers and the like have been talking about for years - you mention PBL (and i use wikis, blog and more in my classes) well also - universal design for learning - the idea of reaching learners using multiple methods!!! I've taken this standpoint about the similarity and you are the first I've read, so far that made this connection - yay!

I think you missed some hurdles in your discussion - hurdles and questions I am just starting to talk about in my blogs and musings, but I bet you will catch those in another entry (I am still working my way through your site).

Thank again for the 3 part and I am definitely listing them as a good read for anyone just getting to the transmedia world (and I say it like that as mot of my students, co workers, friends have no idea what transmedia means, yet they go, ohhhhhh that Lost web site, or that web series or that facebook page or.... :P

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