Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Big Think and how life rambles

so - stumbled onto this site today - - which I am finding very interesting. Has any ever ued this, reads it, likes it, hates it?

Almost as cool as the site is how I stumbled onto it as well as a few other points that are feeding my story and creative muse.

I was perusing Google news and caught this article - - which is very distrubing, although i do not use salt on foods or cooking, it appears that is still not good enough. But - I had not visited the news and was looking for general news and i liked how the sections were laid out, specifically there was one called energy and environment - which fall right into my work and interests. so i click that and one of the main headlined stories is "Lake Vostok, a German Nazi base? Russian news agency floats odd theory" -
so of course I have to go look ;) well the story included references to Godwins's Law (which I did not know about, but plan to use in a story - and of course the fact that a Russian news agency was talking about a possible secret Nazi Antartica base.... A piece from the article includes "But while “Neuschwabenland” appears in several horror novels, the Big Think suggests that it may also have actually existed:"

So I click on the Big Think link and find this - - which provides even more fodder for the imagination as well as I must admit I have never read the H.P Lovecraft story referenced in the article - H.P. Lovecraft’s “At the Mountains of Madness - which I now intend to read. But after reading the Big Think article - I clicked around Big Think and I am becoming hooked :)

I do love the rambly way life goes sometimes :)

So - how do I work a secret nazi base, antartica, Godwin law and oh yes - these three concepts I found today into my next story? - and and

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