Monday, December 24, 2007

trying not to be so negative - a little step but getting there

ok so i was a bit negative in my last post. I should not be like that during the holiday - so I will delay anymore negative until the 26th : )

Still working through things, but a little better, I have a ways to go, but... I am thinking and trying to see things from all viewpoints, a major pain in the ass and work compared to wallowing in blah, which I feel like doing... but I am trying not to do that. For instance, I exercised and colored today - hehe yes both can be very soothing - i like coloring a lot actually

I am currently working on this cool stained glass coloring book, i use sharpie markers. I like designs especially and so got this one which fits well - helps to let me think and focus and is soothing and creative too.

tonight night Therese and I will be going xmas light viewing - we'll drive around, her with her cocoa and me with a yummy vanillia chai and listen to xmas tunes and do the rating - we rate displays and ys the more flashy and animated and moving parts and all they have the more impressed we are - it is National Lampoon Time Baby

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