Sunday, October 07, 2007

Traits and what I wish wasn't always was

You know we all have traits and personalities characteristics that just don’t gel with most of the rest of the world. Does that mean then those are not normal traits and we should fix them? Sometimes yes, sometimes no IMO

I am finding I have been very worried about my traits because I am so isolated and alone that I want to make sure if something comes along I don’t mess it up. Because one of my traits is to always assume that when people leave, things go wrong, or no one finds me and takes interest it is 100% my fault and the way I am. Is that true? Sometimes, sometimes it is only 50% and sometimes it is 23.4567% and sometimes it is 0%. Problem is, as all good "flawed" characteristics go, I can’t see past that to know when it is the 100% and I need to do something and when It s the 0% and I should let it go, take a chill pill and move on….

I know another trait of mine gets me in trouble – I am very much of the obvious a true MOO at your service (Master of the Obvious)

It means I fall into jokes and miss double entendre and say one thing and mean another and blush a whole hell of a lot. It also means I am slow to get the joke, do not read people or situations well (G\gaydar? What the hell is that, everyone is straight, no gay, no… how the hell do I know what you are until you tell me, shit and poop already).

See that's the rub, I'll pick up a left-handed mop and happily go on using it until someone tells me, um, use the right handed mop….

But that means I get in trouble, assume more than I should and many other things.

Of course I have many loveable traits to :P but I am modest and not one to brag ; )

Ah well, we all have our pros and cons ups and downs.

1 comment:

CritmasElf said...

Your MOO is a very lovable trait. That's why we target it so much.