Monday, January 10, 2011

Roman battles, stoicism and gladiators

well - it seems there are uncomfortable connections beginning to percolate - the latest QR code (see a couple blog posts earlier) have a possible connection to the Battle of Vindobona - I have not read anything yet about that but my mind cringes as I make the connection between Romans who were noted for crucifixion and some of Gavin's other dreams - I do not know if that is a connection or if there are others. It seems the plague figured greatly in this time period and M.A. may even have died from the plague....

I have to read some of the 1000s of sites pulled up when searching for the three items revealed in the QR contact - of course now it is worrisome, why would someone be sending a message about something that could relate to a battle, death, and so many other possibilities

of course the three items listed could mean something else and this is a red herring,.... one would be so lucky....

as a side note - it seems M.A. died on March 17th, 180 - is this a way to denote the date, an action, or place (I believe Vindobona is now Vienna Austria).....

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