Friday, December 04, 2009

Another idea about the transmedia maps and rating them

Ohhhhh as I think about this more - a map could be a cool thing and could tie in the Transmedia Necessity Rating.

I work with maps through my job and studies (science, tech and GIS) as such, the idea of a map is a cool concept. It visually represents spatial relationships. And spatial thinking is more than geography - it is a new way of thinking and relating things. It is about patterns and links and connections and organizing and managing and ooo I am getting shivers ;)

Map can tell you location, direction, but they also tell stories. That is why merging transmedia and the concept of a map fits.

But what is cool - you could have a concept map setup, but with the different sources... their spatial relationships would tell the user how NECESSARY they are to the overall narrative as well as each other (a spatial representation of my transmedia necessity rating) - OMG this could be so cool - if a user could start with the general map and then use it to find the different pieces - can you see the potential?

The writer could make a suggested map as well a documenting all of the official, touched by the creator, sources. Then users could make maps (like a twitter list) and people could follow those maps. The maps could be used to help record what a user has seen and done and what still might be out there. Plus - the map could be made in a technology that would survive even if the other pieces go away - then the creator can still either really control, or fans can go gaga and create their own ways to explore. Plus - I write on maps and note which places I liekd and all and ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is so cool - I can so see it in my head.

Now here is the BIG UMBRELLA - these maps are not made by one transmedia story - no, a company like facebook makes them so then all stories can be accessed and saved, kinda like what I am doing with my web site and others do - which is a


Something that helps archive the experiences - I mean some points on the maps might be simply a picture and text record of a flash mob event, but it can be noted, followed and the relationship to the story chronicled.

Ideally the creator or someone can create the initial map and archive in real time as everything unfolds - then at least this is an archived record for those who come late, or if sources are taken away (for instance, in the LG15 universe, there was an "official" website and side story, then there was a falling out between the two parties and suddenly that story was gone and unofficial :P

Ok - again lot more to think about - but this is cool - now to see if this has been done - off to research.

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