Sunday, April 01, 2007

Assorted Moments in One Day

Some random thoughts from my Friday

- listening to Gwen Stefani's latest CD in the car driving to drop of little one. The 6 and a ½ year old explains she liked the first song on the CD (Wind it Up) which the kid calls the yodel song because the song starts with Gwen doing a take on yodeling and using a bit from a kinda Sound of Music Like yodel song. She says she likes it because it is an action song. I go it is fast? And she is no, it has more action. I realize the song changes tempo a number of times, goes from the mock yodel to a rap kida, to other forms of singing and uses a few bridges – oh man it does have more "action" – Now I will listen to songs to see which have more action – do you know action songs?

- helping a student who rushes in frantic to try and convert his PowerPoint for a presentation today from his version to one that works on the school computers. We be stylin' as we got him set – go us!

- judging the science fair at the high school I work at – I start the interview process each time shaking their hand, introducing myself and asking for their name, they are amazed at the greeting and the hand shake – what is this asks one….

- I always ask each student I interview why they chose the project they did – the answers amaze me and make me think how many times when asked about a project in my life I was motivated such to answer similar ways… yay for the honest ones and yay for the thoughtful and through-provoking ones
Why Did You Do This Project
· Because I had to
· Because I play these instruments and I wanted to do something with music
· It was easy and would be no work
· My dad is a cop and I am interested in his safety
· Work with kids and thought this would help me keep them settled
· Because the flowers are cool and I want to save money and do it myself
· Because my friends teased me so now I know

- getting to try the catapult one of the students built for the science fair and loving it : )

- Getting into a discussion over a project being written for the summer program I am the coordinator for – we will be building devices to drop eggs - wheeeeee

- Sitting in my car, listening to the radio, waiting to pick up little one from school. I watch in the rear view mirror as an older woman is on a ladder at a house across the street form my car. She is using a sponge to wipe the vinyl siding on her house. Panel by panel, then she starts on the windows. When was the last time you washed the windows on your house? When have you washed the side of your house? Ever with a sponge, by hand?

- Watching some of my college students forget it was a test tonight - hoo boy

- watching a jet create a condensation cloud line high in the sky and picking out images from the cloud. Then going through the scientific reason in my head why that cloud forms and how I just taught that principle to my students.

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