Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Bebo demise and archiving transmedia story

well if this is true - "AOL To Sell Or Close Bebo" on WEB SERIES NETWORK:

then it is another signal that certain elements of transmedia/crossmedia projects can easily be loss or transformed from original intent (what about all the wonderful things that happened on MySpace or livejournal or yahoo groups or I could continue as social networks and services rise and fall) - or would this mean recreating the event in the newest and latest social medium - which could mean relaunching a story every so once in a while - which could mean a writer/creator/manager has to invest a lot more in this type of project - which could have good and bad.....

Does this mean transmedia projects will always come back to haunt you or you will have to always carry them aroound - and does this mean lots more work for a writer/creator and will there be then a backlash of less enthusiasm and ohhhhhhhh what about all the wonderful things in contracts and so on on who gets paid to do what?????

Can of worms, opened once more....

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