Thursday, July 23, 2009

Flames, lights and shadows

I met a flame this week. A flame is someone who is just brighter and more alive than most. We had a three day workshop on Co-teaching presented by Dr. Becky Hines. She is an amazing presenter, speaker and personality. Just finding out about what she has done, what she thinks, how she approaches life and how many people she touches was incredible. People can just live, most of us do that, we're lights : ) Some can actually distract, depress and worse, shadows. And then there are the ones that flare and sparkle.

You know you've met a flame because you just feel so damn good inside after. You admire them, wish you knew them better and can see, can actually SEE the difference they are making, not just in their little sphere, but in a much bigger, larger sense.

I love people watching and listening to stories, but especially flames. You truly don't run into them everyday or often, sure sometimes lights flare a bit, get a little brighter or darker, but true flames always are just there and brilliant. And the best thing, they aren't trying to be that or do that, it's just the way they are.

Alright, off to watch some more demos on Google Wave, work on some tutorials for TubeTilla and converting videos, work on the wetpaint Defying gravity site (anyone interested in helping out with that???? come on you know you wanna :P

And this and that - ok - signing out for now....

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