Sunday, September 16, 2007

death of the Good Samaritan

I saw a fallen woman today. Well, I did not see her fall. I was driving home from lab and saw this woman on the side of the road as I was slowing for a traffic light. She was sitting on the side and looked like she was trying to push up. I kept watching in mirror as I stopped (and so apparently did others, the guy in front of me had to slam suddenly on is brakes as he prolly was watching and did not see the car stop ahead of him).

I contemplated pulling over to ask what was going on and if she was ok, she grimaced at her leg as she stood. But it was not safe to really pull over and all those warnings went through my head. The idea of being jumped, used, it is a ploy, attacked, being sued for helping... all the things society has built up to deter being a good Samaritan heck we have GS laws now even....

So as I drove away, I said a silent sorry and also a wish and hope that if positions were reversed, I'd luck out upon the one who hasn't heard that being a good Samaritan is something to be feared and avoided.

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