Friday, July 20, 2007

Quick sound bytes

Ack – been buried in stuff – working on day job stuff for August Bridging Program and writing lots of curriculum plus talking to parents who have concerns regarding the program and their students – interacting with parents is one of the hardest things for me I am not a great conversationalist or have the best way with professional etiquette – I know it seems odd but I am not that good in those situations and dread them…

Been teaching meteorology at Cumberland – just finished pressure making rain and winds now we get into the big stuff like hurricanes, thunderstorms, air pollution and such – wheeee

Work on teaching my other class – physical geology – we are about to head into second test covering topics like groundwater, earthquakes and other fun.

Caught some music – a few weekends ago at Wonderbar caught Kathouse and loved them – great cover and original band and a couple of the band members talked to me some,

Then last weekend caught Lez Zepplin – a premiere cover band and such a show – I was up against the stage for part of it and whew—wheee those ladies can rock – the drum solo on Moby dick, the guitarist bowing her instrument – oh man I am drooling.

Need to find music for tonight…..

Went to the Wetlands Institute last weekend with little one – we called it the mud museum because you can walk through the muddy marsh for part of it – she loved getting all squelchy in the mud.

Looks like I may be volunteering at the World Horror con in Salt Lake in March – anyone wanna come????

Job still up and down regarding what I will be doing, unfortunately my certification does not allow for what my supervisor really wanted, so now we drop back and try again :(

My sisters have been up and down – small fires, but nothing tooo major yet (peeks from behind fingers waiting for any moment shift…)

Ok off to work on this that – yay for the weekend.

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