Sunday, May 24, 2009


OK - just found this - liking this group - will explore more, but go check this video....

Other news - college semester finished - yay - two more weeks for main high school - yay -- summer school only teaching physical geology and doing the bridging program again

Got a summer conference and a couple of trips

Just got back from weekend camping with my little one's brownie troop - THAT was an eeeexxxperience hehe

Story fun and writing coming along.... was listening to Allen Tussaint stuff earlier, very nice: ) and got.... (drum roll please)

CYNDI LAUPER ticket YAY - she and Rosie O'Donnell at the COunt Basie Theater in Red Bank in August and I AM THERE - YESSSSSSSSSSSSs - ok I am only a little excited (squeal) lots o excited

Just watched Max Havoc: Ring of Fire. I only got it because Christina Cox was in it... she had a good role, of course not enough of her, and kissing a guy (ick) but that is ok, She had the luxurious longer blonde hair here and a ponytail too, wheeeee, ok, gotta go.... more updates soon!

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