Saturday, October 16, 2010

Am I a Dark Dreamer and Thanks World of Depleted

So first - I found out what a thrill it is as a simple fan of an entertainment/story project to have that story/world give you a nod - so I thank the writers/creators/and everyone else at World of Depleted and still looking for more clues, hints, signs and learning a lot as I research - which is why I like things like WoD and the interactive/participatory pieces - I explore topics and resources I probably never would otherwise.... another reason I want to include game mechanics and transmedia concepts in my class room

Also - as I continue to see QR codes everywhere now (thanks Gavin and WoD :) I found this interesting article - everything is going to visual and codes and such.

I plan on giving out a couple homework assignments via a QR code and seeing how students react to this concept and technology.

PS - so via Gavin's journal - it seems there may be more Dark Dreamers out there - if you are one - give me a holler!!!!!!!!

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