Saturday, July 12, 2008

Back home in one piece - on to next adventure

Ok I am back home and the flight home was fine, no probs and everything was smooth - saw my boss in the Orlando airport as she was arriving for her vacation - that was a cool co-winky dink - it's fun when stuff like that happens.

I had a good and productive conference - am behind in my work but hope to catch up this weekend. Especially since I leave on Friday for a 4 day trip - whooo : )

I do have awesome stories from my trip - like the one night coming home from Downtown Disney, I was the only one on the shuttle and the driver just talked and talked - talked about his job and the economy and how drivers are paid and how he just found out he has diabeties. It was a wonderful rich conversation with a local and I enjoy those, love to listen.

DId a lot of that actually, and that is one thing I love about traveling, learning the stories. I had anothr encounter with locals on Tuesday night after the very FABULOUS Pat Benatar concert - holy moley and holy vocal chords batman that woman can still sing - and Neil on guitar - let's just say I would put him up there with J. Page as one of the greats - yes, yes I would compare, so there

But I am walking around Citywalk after the concert, and finally sitting, watching videos on the big screen they have, which by the way I so gotta look up a couple there were some interesting ones.

But these two approach and say they have been watchng me all night :P they were at the concert too and the one is a huge fan of Cyndi Lauper, was even in one of her videos. So we talked about that andand other things, then if I could have made it, they invited me out to one of the larger Gay places in the area as the one bartended the next night (alas from my hotel it would have been 40 one way - what a bummmerrrrr) But i know a place for next time - oh yeah.

I also hope to have made some connections for my school - I have some cool stuff there.
Ok gotta scoot - lots more to share and one of these days I may even sit down and get them on here - lol

PS - I got me a cool punk rocker Teddy Bear complete with mohawk and tribal arm tattoo, plus a leater vest with a saying I like a whole bunches......

Live, Love, Rock!

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